Corporate Governance Policy

Corporate Governance Policy (Thai Version)

Good corporate governance refers to a system that provides structure and management processes within the organization. To link the relationship between Board of Directors, Executives, Employees and Shareholders With the aim of the company to grow sustainably and steadily Increase shareholder value over the long term. The main object is to create appropriate benefits for shareholders. Taking into account all stakeholders Under the operation that is correct, transparent and verifiable By adhering to honesty and fairness

To achieve these objectives Therefore, the company has established this good corporate governance policy in accordance with the good corporate governance regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission And the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) and in accordance with business ethics (Code of Conduct) Of the Company by the Board of Directors has approved Good corporate governance policy This issue is for use as a guideline in business operations. And as a norm for the Board of Directors, executives and all employees Strictly adhere to and perform their duties